BackHome - The most effective way to address your pet's security
Lets face it, its impossible to keep track of your pets every minute of the day and night. As a caring owner you'll know what a worry the prospect of them disappearing can be. No matter how careful you are, there is always the chance that your pet will go astray. And when you're away with your pet in unfamiliar surroundings it's all too easy to become separated.
You know how worrying such occasions are, but what can you do about it?
The trouble is you can't always rely on collars to bring your pet back. They can break or become detached and owner and address details can become illegible. As a result it may be impossible to trace ownership back to you when your pet is found and taken to the police, dog warden or other authorities.
Sadly pets which haven't been reunited with their owners are often put to sleep because animal rescue organisations whose accommodation is already at bursting point. So what's the answer
It's time to inject a little technology.

When a special scanner is passed over your pet the BackHome chip responds by transmitting its unique code to the scanner. It's as easy as using a supermarket bar-code reader. The operator can read the code on the scanner's display and then refer to the national database to identify your name, address and phone number so that you and your pet can be reunited.
These microchip scanners are in routine use by veterinarians and municipal dog wardens all over the UK. It's the same with pet rescue and animal welfare organisations like the RSPCA and SSPCA and the Cats Protection League. Therefore whenever your pet is found, it is likely somebody will read his/her BackHome microchip.
Once this is done, the national database can be accessed rapidly by phone any time of the day and night.. So as soon as your pet's identity is discovered, the process of getting your pet BackHome can begin.
A small price to pay for a greater peace of mind.
Each pet requires a single BackHome microchip. The process is completely safe and causes no more discomfort than other injections. Pets of all sizes from small birds, exotics and fish to large dogs and horses can be chipped. In the case of dogs and cats the preferred location is the scruff of the neck.
BackHome is inexpensive and the one-of-payment includes lifetime registration on the national database as well as all documentation. It is a security measure which literally lasts for life. BackHome microchipping represents excellent value for money and peace of mind.
How to get your pet microchipped with BackHome
When you next visit your veterinary practice, whatever the reason, simply ask about BackHome. It's likely it can be done at the same visit. The second vaccination of young pets is the ideal time to have them 'chipped'. That way they're literally covered for life.
Fonte: any-uk-vet.co.uk westside vet clinic