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Balanced Medical Approach

In the last decade there have been great advances in the medical treatment of animals. We now have at our disposal drugs to treat chronic diseases that previously caused unnecessary discomfort and pain. In addition to these drugs, there have been significant advances in the treatment of animals using a more natural approach. This involves stimulating the body's own immune and nervous system. These advances now allow us to utilize a balanced approach to disease treatment and prevention, utilizing medications as needed, while simultaneously stimulating the body to heal itself. We are now able successfully manage chronic diseases involving the heart, thyroid, kidney, urinary bladder, liver, and musculoskeletal system. The natural approach utilizes diet and medications called nutraceuticals, along with compounds that occur naturally in our environment. A recent advance in the natural approach has been our ability to stimulate the nervous system to increase blood flow to diseased organs and correct imbalances that have been present for a significant period of time. A major advantage to this approach is the fact that no anesthesia, injections, or drugs are used. You can learn more about this in our VOM page at From the doctors at the Long Beach Animal Hospital WWW.LBAH.COM

3816 E. Anaheim St. Long Beach, CA 90804 USA

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