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Cushings Disease

Cushings disease, technically called hyperadrenocorticism, is a hormone problem in which the adrenal glands produce to much cortisone. Even though it can appear in other animals, it is primarily a disease of middle aged and older dogs. The small size of the adrenal glands, located at the top of each kidney, does not do any justice to their importance in regulating many body functions. In this disease an excess of the hormone called cortisol is released into the bloodstream. This hormone circulates throughout the body and has a profound effect on many of the internal organs. In most cases the cause is a very slow growing tumor in the pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal glands to produce and excess of cortisol. In a much smaller number of cases the adrenal glands themselves ban have an benign or malignant tumor that causes the excess secretion of cortisol. Many of the symptoms of this disease are subtle, and can wax and wane. Things to watch for are excessive appetite or panting, drinking or urinating more than usual, a pot bellied appearance to the abdomen, or skin changes. A routine physical exam with a blood panel can give us an indication of this problem. Specialized hormone tests are needed for a definitive diagnosis. Sometimes we even perform an ultrasound to try to visualize the adrenal glands. Several different medications are used to treat the usual form of Cushings. Your doctor will tell you which one is appropriate in your pet's case. Surgery is not commonly utilized and can lead to post operative complications. To learn substantially more about this problem follow our link: From the doctors and staff at Long Beach Animal Hospital

3816 E. Anaheim St. Long Beach, CA 90804 USA

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