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Pet skin allergies

Skin allergy, also know as atopy or allergic inhalant dermatitis, is the most common medical condition at our hospital. In most cases it becomes a lifetime problem that causes significant frustration for you and your pet. The most common causes are grasses, trees, and shrubs in the outdoors, and bed bugs, molds, and mites indoors. In addition to atopy, fleas are a significant cause of skin allergy, and even foods can be a source of the allergy problem. Many treatments are commonly used to minimize itching and scratching due to atopy: Avoidance - Minimizing exposure to grasses, trees, and shrubs when possible - High quality room purifiers in sleeping area Topicals - Water- Cool water baths soothe skin and rinse away allergens - Colloidal oatmeal shampoo and rinse - Antihistamines and anti-inflammatories spray on affected areas Dietary - Low allergen food- Hills Z/D, venison, potato, lamb - Essential fatty acids- EFA-Z or Derm Caps Immunotherapy - Allergy testing and allergy injections Cyclosporine - Anti-rejection medication that also has a powerful effect on itching Antihistamines - Decrease scratching with minimal side effects Antibiotics - Used for at least 3 weeks to control infection and decrease itching Glucocorticoids - Strong anti-itching properties and safe when used at low doses intermittently Our web site at WWW.LBAH.COM has detailed information on the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of this disease for your complete understanding. From the drop down menu on the home page click on the Allergy link, or go right to this page at: From the doctors at the Long Beach Animal Hospital WWW.LBAH.COM

3816 E. Anaheim St. Long Beach, CA 90804 USA

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